FREE WEBINAR! Building and Boosting Balance Circuits!
Learn how to train balance in a completely innovative, effective, and evidence-based manner using the Balance Matters System. A special mini presentation on using circuits and the Balance Matters System to improve turning will be followed by a Q&A with Erica DeMarch, CEO and Founder of Step and Connect.About this experience
Building and Boosting Balance Circuits!
We all know balance matters, but choosing the right exercise and feedback also matters to progress balance and optimize motor performance.
REFRESH your toolbox with new creative balance exercise ideas that will launch you way beyond the basic balance exercises.
DISCOVER new tips, cues and feedback to boost client experience, engagement and motivation.
MASTER new assessments (such as the figure of 8 walk test) to easily track progress and translate right to training!
LEARN a new balance circuit (+handout) to improve turning you can use right away with your clients.
This first session we are opening it up to everyone for free!
This new live virtual webinar series of introducing/reviewing a Balance Matters exercise or assessment will be regularly reoccurring and available to all Balance Matters Certification course participants.
If you are interested in learning more ways to apply the Balance Matters System, check out our new Balance Matters Certification course. Participation will give you unlimited access to review concepts and exercises at your own pace through online resources and the monthly webinar series where you can ask questions, review concepts, network and connect with other Balance Matters Systems users around the world.
We hope you can join the Balance Matters community!
Balance Matters is all about connecting people and balance with a click.™
Your Host

Erica DeMarch is the Founder and CEO of Step and Connect, a research-driven company producing medical devices, exercise-related educational programs, and training systems for improving balance. Twenty years of expertise as a physical therapist in the areas of neurorehabilitation and vestibular rehab, led Erica to develop the core product line of the business, the patented Balance Matters® System. She is the author of the children’s book, ‘How do you Balance Like That?’ and developed an intergenerational balance program that goes along with the book. She serves as an affiliate faculty member at South College Physical Therapy School. Erica edited the Parkinson’s chapter of the Pathology Textbook, 5th and 4th edition, Implications for the Physical Therapist. She speaks at multiple conferences and teaches continuing education courses globally on the importance of incorporating balance and motor learning into programs.