from The Parkinson's Exercise and Wellness Center
1. Tell us a little about your business/practice and please share any new exciting programs/projects you offer.
The Parkinson’s Exercise and Wellness Center in the heart of Kansas City,(Overland Park) is dedicated in the fight against the symptoms of PD through targeted rigorous exercise, which is shown to decrease or slow PD symptoms when used in conjunction with traditional medicine. The PEWC offers Rock Steady Boxy, Moving & Shaking, (dance) Fit 2 Care for caregivers/partners, The Art of Expression (vocal and movement training through acting techniques) Core Stretch Mat Pilates and PWR! Moves. We recently embarked on a 6 week, gait training/community mobility training implementing Balance Matters, Step & Connect System. We are finishing our third week and our clients are benefiting from the training.
Click here to see The Art of Expression Class

2. What is your business/work or personal philosophy?
The PEWC provides PD patients and others suffering from neurologically-based “movement disorder diseases” exercises for a stronger body, education and resources for a stronger mind, and camaraderie and support for a stronger spirit.
3. Can you tell us about one inspiring patient who improved his/her balance, making a difference in their everyday life or goals?
Maryann has extreme festination, bradykinesia and freezing of gait. After just 3 one hour sessions with the S&C system, Maryann independently and confidently, walked through a door and took several unassisted laps around our facility. She has stated it is the only tool which has helped her
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