Why we need Feedback?
A natural part of performing a skill is to use intrinsic feedback, the sensory perceptual information caused by-the movement. Vision, proprioception, touch, pressure, and audition help formulate a person’s internal representation of a movement goal.
When performing sit- to- stand, proprioceptors indicate the muscle length and tension of the position of the ankles and feet as well as the amount of pressure through the limbs; visual information orients the individual to the environment; and vestibular inputs contribute to sense of verticality. If your clients are not receiving the proper intrinsic feedback, they may not be aware of their movements. For example, an individual with impaired ankle proprioception may need extrinsic or augmented feedback to increase the weight and symmetry through their legs.
Augmented feedback enriches/ enhances intrinsic feedback . It provides information to clients who are unaware of their body position. Augmented Feedback can help engage the patient during all phases of sit -to- stand and with different modalities: visual, auditory or tactile.